The Lomo Purple is a colour negative. It is a special film that gives you a different look, a different spectrum to see the world. Green such as grass and leaf will turn into purple, blue sky will give you cyan like in some sci-fi movies, red will turn orange, yellow turn red, etc. Some photographers think it is a gimmick, because you can easily create a matching effect from digital. Other people who shoot film may think it is a complete joke and too Insta-look to them to accept.​​​​​​​
I want to challenge myself to create some unique shots from this special film. To understand different genres in film photography, how it works, to think about the best colour combination when framing the shot. People who shoot black and white film have to care about the lighting, but not much in colour, because colour captured in b&w film only affects light density.
The new 2019 formula advertised from Lomography had a finer grain look than their previous stock. You can use it for fine art for better results. Today, I got this package sent from Germany. It was ordered back in late 2018 for a total of 15 x 135 and 15 x 120, for the cheapest value is to buy more.
This film stock first caught my eye when I was at the last year Photography Show in NEC Birmingham. The main visit was to assist a filter company - Nisi Filters as a translator. Lomography just behind us, there were photos shot from this film which drew my attention. Luckily, I was able to get the last couple of rolls from them, the last day.
You can chose what ISO (100 to 400) to start.
The old stock that I tested needs good light, the grain is big even when you shoot at ISO 100 in shade outdoors. However, shooting in good artificial light at night doesn’t cause any big issue, the grain is acceptable. I am hoping the new stock could produce better performance. I wanna try it with flash and with gel.
You will get something unique, once you get it right.

Camera used:
Minolta x700
Hasselblad 500c
Buy Lomochrome Purple 2019

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